Foundation News
Private fundraising
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«We are not asking for ourselves – we are collecting in order to survive and continue doing what we have consciously chosen: to be where it is most difficult and to fight for freedom – for Ukraine, Belarus and all of Europe».

The Belarusian Solidarity Centre provides legal, educational and cultural support to Belarusians in Poland. Today its work is threatened. The Centre urgently needs financial support.

After 1,555 days of separation, Antonina was able to hug her children. She needs help to recover from her traumatic experience in the Belarus colony and to try to restore or at least maintain her eyesight.

Anna was sentenced for a video of a Russian helicopter that was sent to the media. After her discharge from jail, she was not left alone and had to leave the country. Now she is starting a new life.

Valentin was a volunteer in Ukraine. In 2024, the man asked for protection in Germany, but was refused. Now he is trying to start his life again in Poland.

“At 17, I protested against violence, unaware that it would lead to torture, detention and six months in a detention center. Now I need help to emigrate.”

«We are not asking for ourselves – we are collecting in order to survive and continue doing what we have consciously chosen: to be where it is most difficult and to fight for freedom – for Ukraine, Belarus and all of Europe».

The Belarusian Solidarity Centre provides legal, educational and cultural support to Belarusians in Poland. Today its work is threatened. The Centre urgently needs financial support.

Anna was sentenced for a video of a Russian helicopter that was sent to the media. After her discharge from jail, she was not left alone and had to leave the country. Now she is starting a new life.

After 1,555 days of separation, Antonina was able to hug her children. She needs help to recover from her traumatic experience in the Belarus colony and to try to restore or at least maintain her eyesight.

Konstantin is a volunteer and activist who has been working in Ukraine since 2022. Now he is fighting for the opportunity to return to Poland, where his family lives, but to do so he needs to pay for legal support for his case.

When the man went to Poland, a new case was opened against him at home. Due to his stressful condition, he was unable to continue working as a driver, and now he asks for support to pay back his debts and pay for housing.

Valentin was a volunteer in Ukraine. In 2024, the man asked for protection in Germany, but was refused. Now he is trying to start his life again in Poland.

The Belarusan's eyesight seriously deteriorated in detention, he was able to evacuate and is trying to establish a life in exile.

Ivan has recently received international protection in Poland and is now doing an internship, after which he expects to find a stable job. The man needs help during the internship.
BYSOL fundraising

Until August 2020, we, like all Belarusians, were engaged in our own projects, but we couldn't stay away when the country was gripped by a wave of violence and lawlessness. Now we help those who suffered at the hands of the regime.

BYSOL supports released political prisoners and their families, people forced to leave the country, Belarusian volunteers in Ukraine, and initiatives that help Belarusians fight lawlessness in the country.

BYSOL is announcing a collection to equip squads of Belarussian volunteers who are fighting alongside Ukrainians against our common enemies, Putin and Lukashenko. Belarusians in territorial defense battalions have received weapons and ammunition, but there is a serious shortage of special equipment, protection and tactical medicine.
Thanks from the beneficiares
Thanks from the beneficiares
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130 Territorial Defense Battalion needs your help. To further carry out the tasks of liberating and defending positions in the Kharkiv region, the fighters need to acquire three portable monocular night vision devices.

We create postcards and merch with drawings from the letters of political prisoners. All funds raised go to transfers to political prisoners through the Dissidentby initiative.

The levy is opened to help the BELPOL organization grow, expand its capacity, and support its participants and partners.

Belarusian volunteers are ready to take on a new challenge and participate in demining liberated territories so that civilians can return there.

Volunteers from the Come to My Voice project provide assistance to Belarusian refugees on a daily basis, whether they are fleeing war or repression. Previously, our team has been successful on our own, but the moment has come when our future ability to help depends on each and every one of you.

The First Volunteer Mobile Hospital, known by its Ukrainian acronym PDMSH, is a team of hundreds of medical volunteers from around the world who have been saving lives at the frontline in the area of fighting with Russian occupation forces since 2014.

Belarusian volunteers are ready to take on a new challenge and participate in demining liberated territories so that civilians can return there.

The levy is opened to help the BELPOL organization grow, expand its capacity, and support its participants and partners.

The Belarusian Orthodox Community of the Constantinople Patriarchate in Vilnius needs funds to pay rent and repair the premises where worship services and community meetings will be held. We need to purchase the necessary furniture and liturgical utensils.

The Telegram channel of the medical initiative «Белые халаты» tells about the real situation in the health care system in Belarus. The project team needs your support.

Anksčiau, prieš prasidedant karui, mes ginėme moterų teises bei kovojome su smurtu nukreiptu prieš moteris ir vaikus Ukrainoje. Dabar, prasidėjus karui, mes teikiame tikslinę pagalbą moterims iš pažeidžiamiausių socialinių grupių, įskaitant moteris su mažais vaikais, daugiavaikės moteris, vyresnio amžiaus moteris, moteris su negalia bei LBGTQ bendruomenės atstoves.

130 Territorial Defense Battalion needs your help. To further carry out the tasks of liberating and defending positions in the Kharkiv region, the fighters need to acquire three portable monocular night vision devices.

130 Territorial Defense Battalion needs your help. To further carry out the tasks of liberating and defending positions in the Kharkiv region, the fighters need to acquire three portable monocular night vision devices.

The First Volunteer Mobile Hospital, known by its Ukrainian acronym PDMSH, is a team of hundreds of medical volunteers from around the world who have been saving lives at the frontline in the area of fighting with Russian occupation forces since 2014.

Volunteers from the Come to My Voice project provide assistance to Belarusian refugees on a daily basis, whether they are fleeing war or repression. Previously, our team has been successful on our own, but the moment has come when our future ability to help depends on each and every one of you.

We create postcards and merch with drawings from the letters of political prisoners. All funds raised go to transfers to political prisoners through the Dissidentby initiative.
Fund´s statistics
As of January 13, 2025
- 2063 requests received help with evacuation
- 286 activist projects received assistance
- 881 fundraising campaigns posted on the website
- 1361 dismissed people supported
- 38 vehicles transferred to help Ukraine
- 1129 political prisoners/released people received help
- 111 requests from volunteers and veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war supported
- 24676 hotline requests processed