
Welcome to “Voices Across Borders” – the first international online community led initiative that aims to inform people around the world about the political crisis and human rights violations in Belarus.

The levy is opened to help the BELPOL organization grow, expand its capacity, and support its participants and partners.

We offer you to participate in the creation of the new album of the Belarusian reggae band BOTANIC PROJECT. In 2021 the soloists of the project left Belarus, fleeing from the repression of Lukashenko's regime to Kiev.

Anksčiau, prieš prasidedant karui, mes ginėme moterų teises bei kovojome su smurtu nukreiptu prieš moteris ir vaikus Ukrainoje. Dabar, prasidėjus karui, mes teikiame tikslinę pagalbą moterims iš pažeidžiamiausių socialinių grupių, įskaitant moteris su mažais vaikais, daugiavaikės moteris, vyresnio amžiaus moteris, moteris su negalia bei LBGTQ bendruomenės atstoves.

We create postcards and merch with drawings from the letters of political prisoners. All funds raised go to transfers to political prisoners through the Dissidentby initiative.