General fundraising

  • Story

Every day law enforcers detain Belarusians and Belarusan women who did not agree with the lawlessness. This repression has continued uninterrupted since 2020: people are beaten, humiliated, filmed in “pokoyal” videos, forced to give interviews to state media, blackmailed and forced out of the country.

People from all over the world — through the BYSOL Solidarity Fund — are helping Belarusians. They raise funds for political prisoners and their families, for people in forced emigration, for people in need of medical treatment, and they raise money for defense funds for volunteers in Ukraine.

Without such assistance, people often find themselves alone with their problems: difficulties in recovering from imprisonment, adaptation in forced emigration, finding work and means of subsistence, provision and arrangement of children, health problems, expensive services of specialists.

By donating any amount through the BYSOL Foundation, you not only become a part of a huge community of people who care, but also a participant of our common movement on the way to victory. You are here and now helping those who are struggling to realize that they are not alone, they are not abandoned on their way to a free future.

By helping through a general collection, you agree to the distribution of these funds to collections organized by the BYSOL Foundation.

€ 465 769 in 700 000