Ivan has recently received international protection in Poland and is now doing an internship, after which he expects to find a stable job. The man needs help during the internship.
Ivan has recently received international protection in Poland and is now doing an internship, after which he expects to find a stable job. The man needs help during the internship.
The Belarusian Solidarity Centre provides legal, educational and cultural support to Belarusians in Poland. Today its work is threatened. The Centre urgently needs financial support.
«We are not asking for ourselves – we are collecting in order to survive and continue doing what we have consciously chosen: to be where it is most difficult and to fight for freedom – for Ukraine, Belarus and all of Europe».
“At 17, I protested against violence, unaware that it would lead to torture, detention and six months in a detention center. Now I need help to emigrate.”
When the man went to Poland, a new case was opened against him at home. Due to his stressful condition, he was unable to continue working as a driver, and now he asks for support to pay back his debts and pay for housing.
After 1,555 days of separation, Antonina was able to hug her children. She needs help to recover from her traumatic experience in the Belarus colony and to try to restore or at least maintain her eyesight.
Anna was sentenced for a video of a Russian helicopter that was sent to the media. After her discharge from jail, she was not left alone and had to leave the country. Now she is starting a new life.
In 2020, Siarhei Lyalin, as he himself says, “changed his shoes” after seeing armed law enforcers against defenseless citizens. Having served time for insulting Lukashenka, he left for Poland and asks for help for a new life.
Natalia Nein and her husband Alexander Salangin found themselves in a difficult life situation. After a long evacuation from Belarus, the couple lives in Poland, but her husband's dangerous illness requires financial support, which the family does not have.