My name is Roman. I worked as a trucker. While I was on a trip the riot police broke in to my wife, who was 30 weeks pregnant. They used force against my wife, but they were looking for me. After they found me they charged me under Articles 364 and 369 for comments and put me in Okrestino.
I got out on bail of 4 thousand dollars. All this time I went through interrogations, trials, appeals. I had a lawyer with me, on whom I spent a thousand dollars. Out of my ignorance, paid for her services in cash and now she can't (or refuses) to give a single check, and the contracts signed between us are unsealed.
In June 2022, I was sentenced to 3 years of chemo with a referral, found to be an extremist. By some miracle, by a complicated route, I managed to escape. Now my wife came to visit me with my infant child, because she couldn't stand being at home any longer. They came to our apartment again with searches, threats, in order to get to me.
I am not working since May 2022, because I was not allowed to work, and now I am in the stage of international protection and I have no right to work officially. I am asking for help to support my family for the first time. Everyone's support would be greatly appreciated!
How much is needed?
1000€ — help to pay the loan for an apartment in Belarus; to pay for a hostel in Poland; to support a family with a baby; to translate the medical documents of the child and the wife (because the wife was diagnosed with a tumor).