Helping the family of political prisoners in Belarus to survive political persecution

  • Story

Good afternoon.
I appeal to you for help, because I can no longer cope alone. Since my husband's imprisonment, I'm not living, I'm surviving. Everything I did as a mom and wife, I continue to do. But the part of our life that my husband used to be responsible for has just fallen on my shoulders. 

There is no strength left mentally or physically over the years. I don't buy gifts for the kids, I buy food and clothes for my husband in prison. I stopped sleeping at night, there are no feelings and emotions left, one continuous emptiness. The world around me as if disappeared, I live on automatic for the sake of my children and my husband.

He and I are simple people, who for 4 years the regime is taking revenge for not being afraid to speak out against evil and injustice. For reposting my husband was given two years of regular chemo* by the court, I was given two years of home** for commenting on social media. On top of that we were pestered with fines, inspections, “turning all our phones inside out”. Despite the fact that I have minor children in my custody, I was sent to a pre-trial detention center for violating the regime. Against this background, the children's health problems began, the eldest suffers from panic attacks, the youngest child can not stay alone, afraid of the dark and waiting for daddy.

I seek help from hopelessness. Every day is a struggle for survival, how to earn and feed my children in a regime of constant pressure and political persecution by law enforcers. 

My last hope is for people with a good heart who can understand my pain.

How much is needed?


€800 — mandatory payments for at least 2 months (husband's loans, rent, taxes)
€400 — food and transfers for the husband
€300 — food and clothes for children in season

*“Regular chemistry” is a type of punishment where a convict is sent to an open-type correctional facility. People live in housing units similar to dormitories. They are under constant supervision and are obliged to fulfill the rules of internal order, while paying for accommodation, buying food at their own expense, cooking, washing and cleaning themselves. At the same time, all convicts are obliged to work, and often they are sent to low-skilled and low-paid labor.
**“Home-chemistry” is a type of punishment where the convict remains at liberty, but with restrictions. The convict has a schedule for both work and personal activities, including going to the store or throwing out the trash. The police can come every day and at any time to check on them.

€ 40 in 1 500