Help a Belarusian activist, who was recognized as a threat to national security in Lithuania, to pay for a lawyer's services

  • Story

Good afternoon!
My name is Viktor Evilin. I am an activist from Maryina Gorka and a participant in the 2020 election campaign. I have a family — a wife and four children.

In 2020, fearing possible persecution, we made a difficult decision: we sold our house in Belarus and moved to live in Lithuania. However, a few weeks ago, the Migration Department refused to renew my residence permit because I “pose a threat to the national security” of this country.

The fact is that until 2012 I worked in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and was engaged in fire assessment and statistics. And according to the Lithuanian Migration Board, since the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a power structure, I am unreliable.

I have no other option but to challenge this decision in court. After all, I can't return to Belarus: first of all, it's dangerous, but most importantly, I have nowhere to go back to, because I have neither housing nor work in Belarus.

In order to file a complaint against the decision of the Department of Migration, I need to hire a lawyer, the cost of which is two and a half thousand euros. And I ask for your help, because for our family it is a lot of money.

I hope for your solidarity, because I myself once put a lot of effort to make Belarus free: I was on duty in Kuropaty when the restaurant “Let's Eat” was opened there, I was at the celebration of the centenary of the Belarusian People's Republic in Minsk. In 2020, my wife and I actively joined the wave and supported Tikhanovskaya. I was a member of a local group of activists in Pukhovichi district: we coordinated meetings and speeches, corresponded with the authorities, fought for our rights. And afterwards we collected funds to help political prisoners.

And today I myself need your help and protection.

You can read more about my story here:

How much is needed?


€1600 — preparing and filing an appeal to the court of first instance
€800 — if we win, there will be an appeal from the migration side; if we lose, I will appeal.

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 2 476
The collection is over. Сollected: € 2 476