Political activist in Lithuania needs help to improve his health

  • Story

Hello! My name is Victor. I am from Brest.
In May 2022, I was sentenced in the so-called “roundel case ‘* to 3 years of ’chemistry with direction ”**. I never got to the chemistry, because first I was in hospital, then I hid in Minsk, then in Grodno with friends, and finally I escaped across the border to Lithuania. Since I avoided prison, I don't have the status of a political prisoner. Because of this, I cannot count on financial support for those initiatives that help this category of people. Although I ended up abroad because of political persecution.

On August 9, 2020 I was an independent observer at the polling station of School No. 4 in Brest. I saw with my own eyes the election fraud and the protocol with false results. We, together with other observers, waited for these results until night, and such a neglectful attitude to people, deceit and usurpation of power angered me very much. Together with other residents of Brest I took part in peaceful rallies and marches, and for this I was arrested two years later.

I have been in Vilnius for 2 years now, I got a legal status and somehow I am getting by. Besides, being in exile, I do not leave the fight against the regime, I attend rallies of Belarusians in support of Ukraine. I volunteer for such initiatives as “Dapamoga” and the Belarusian Automobile Regiment of Volunteers of Ukraine. But the moment came that I needed people's help myself!

I am 57 years old, my health is not getting better every year. My health has deteriorated a lot during my emigration: I have serious dental problems and I have partially lost hearing in both ears. Wherever I turn for help, they tell me that I am not a political prisoner and they cannot help me with money.

So I am asking for your help here! I have no possibility to buy dentures and a hearing aid without financial support. Please help me to restore my quality of life!

I really hope for the support of people who care!
ZHYVE BELARUS!!! Glory to Ukraine!

*“Round dance” — the participants of the protest action against election fraud in August 2020 blocked traffic in the center of Brest, sang songs and led round dances. Dozens of Brest residents were prosecuted for this action, which became the largest political prosecution of protesters in Belarus. As of 2024, according to “Viasna”, more than 130 sentences have already been handed down to people who went to that action.

**“Chemistry with a destination” is a type of punishment when a convicted person is sent to an open-type correctional institution. They are under constant supervision and are obliged to fulfill the rules of internal order, while paying for accommodation, buying food at their own expense, cooking, washing and cleaning themselves. At the same time, all inmates are required to work, and are often assigned to low-skilled and low-paid labor.

How much is needed?


€1500 — the cost of dentures
€380 — hearing aids
€120 — medical consultation

€ 67 in 2 000