Collection for Veronica: help for a political prisoner son and a sick mother

  • Story

Good afternoon!
My name is Veronika.

In 2020, together with my son, we took to the streets of Brest to protect our voices. We did not hide our faces and did not hide, because we could not imagine at that time how it would end for us.

Half a year later I was detained. At first they gave me “24 hours”, which I spent in the temporary detention center. Then I was tried under Article 342 (Article 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus — organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order) for participation in a “round dance” and was sentenced to 3 years of “home chemistry ”*. And shortly after that they came for my son. He also has article 342, only he was given a real term in a colony.

Now not only my life depends on me, but also the life of my son, who needs my support very much. Every half a year I collect a heavy parcel for him, where I put food, clothes, medicines and many other things that are necessary for survival in captivity. I also need to pay off the loan that we took until 2020. I also have a mom who recently broke her femoral neck and needs care.

I'm trying to manage everything on my own, but I'm having a hard time. I am in a difficult emotional state, constantly on the verge of a breakdown. That is why I ask you for help, to take on a part of my burden. With the money raised, I want to pay off the loan, pay for rehabilitation for my mom and collect some transfers to my son.

*“Home chemistry” is a type of punishment where the inmate remains free, but with restrictions. The convict has a schedule for both work and personal activities, including going to the store or throwing out the garbage. The police can come every day and at any time to check on them.

How much is needed?


€1000 — the loan we took out until 2020
€1000 — medicine and rehabilitation for my mom
€1000 — 3 transfers for my son to the colony

€ 57 in 3 000