Helping a Belarusian volunteer with the call sign “Tikhiy” return to peaceful life

  • Story

Good afternoon!

My call sign is “Tikhiy”, I am a fighter of one of the Belarusan volunteer units (call sign has been changed for security reasons, BYSOL has all identification documents).

In 2020, I participated in peaceful protests in Minsk until the very last days, when only a few people were walking. My quick feet and ability to navigate the terrain saved me from being detained more than once, so I didn't fall into the hands of the law enforcers. But when the rallies were over, I had to lay low, and my whole life turned into waiting for a knock on the door.

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine began, I could not remain indifferent, so I volunteered for the war. With my last money, I opened a visa (it was not easy to do this because there was a rush in those days) and left for Warsaw. There I met other Belarusian volunteers, together with whom we went to Ukraine.

At that moment I didn't really understand where I was going. I had no friends, acquaintances, or relatives in Ukraine. But I knew why I was going — I wanted to stop the horror of invasion.

I was in the service from April 2022 to January 2024. I fought in several units. I took part in the liberation of Kherson, visited all parts of the front. I was wounded several times, received contusions. I had to have surgery several times.

Recently I realized that it was my time to leave the service. I moved to Warsaw and now I live with my friends or in a hostel. I am looking for a job, I want to find myself in a peaceful life. However, I need to solve a number of problems I faced in the army — I often get depressed and I also have consequences of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

I would be grateful for any help you can provide.

How much is needed?


€1400 for rent for the next 3 months;
€1600 for medication, food, paperwork for legalization.

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 3 195
The collection is over. Сollected: € 3 195