Good afternoon.
I am appealing to you for help, as I can't rely on anyone else. I managed to escape from persecution for student activity in 2020, but my parents remained in Belarus under pressure from law enforcers because of my escape. They are regularly interrogated trying to get any information about me. That's why I tell my story anonymously and without details, so as not to bring more trouble on them.
In 2020, I participated in peaceful protests with other students, helped activists at my university, took part in an attempt to create an independent union and in the overall vitality of the student council.
In the fall of 2020, repression in the country intensified. Trade unions were banned, including ours, the student union. Most of my friends and acquaintances fell under the repressive roller: they were imprisoned, fined, expelled from the university, etc. for political activism. Any activism became too dangerous, teachers were denouncing us, there were quiet people everywhere.
By some miracle it didn't affect me then. But last fall, by some ridiculous accident, my phone fell into the hands of the police. They decided to look through my phone and found traces of chat rooms and channels considered “extremist”. After a short conversation, they returned my phone to me and insistently suggested that I come to the Investigative Committee in three days.
Since I was not detained immediately, I realized that this was my chance for salvation. I did not have a Schengen visa and, fearing detention, I urgently left for visa-free Georgia. Since I did not appear on the appointed day in the IC and stopped contacting, a few days later they searched my parents at their place of residence. Later they were summoned for questioning by the KGB, and they have been summoned regularly until now.
All this time in Georgia, due to the lack of prospects and possibility to get legalization, I felt growing despair. And a month ago I received a Polish visa, which gave me some hope. I got a chance to legalize, find studies and a job.
But lack of funds makes moving to Poland impossible for me. My family can't help me financially, because they are under the close attention of law enforcers in Belarus. That is why I have only one hope that my story will not leave you indifferent. The collected funds will help me to buy tickets to Poland and support me during the period of adaptation in a new place.
Thank you for being here!
How much is needed?
€1300 — rent for the first time
€350 — food and essentials for the first period of adaptation
€150 — airfare to Poland