My name is Sergei Lyalin, I am a lieutenant colonel in the reserve. Or rather, already a former one: I was stripped of my rank in 2022.
I have dreamed of becoming a military officer since high school, I liked the uniform and the prestige. In the service I did everything on my conscience, tried to always achieve the highest possible result. In 2020, I “changed my shoes” when Lukashenko gave an order to beat up citizens who came out on the street. My world turned upside down then. I had anger at those who were armed to the teeth, and to massacre unarmed people dashingly and with impunity. That's why I also took to the streets: I realized that I had to answer for having served this system and supported Lukashenko's policy until 2020, although I had long been retired. It sounds a bit pathetic, but it was with this thought that I participated in the protests, went out in my native Bobruisk, traveled to Minsk.
It didn't end there. Somewhere in the comments I made a nasty remark about Lukashenko and a member of his security service. This was enough to convict me for two years in July 2022.
According to the administration of the penal colony, I was a persistent violator of order in Novopolotsk penal colony No. 1, and several times I was in the punishment cell. I didn't receive any letters, and I didn't receive any packages (I had no close relatives). It was very hard, but I tried at least to read a lot and do sports. However, it was not always possible: I worked six days a week, after that I had chores, and I had almost no personal time. In prison I lost 40 kilograms of weight, and my hip joints began to osteoarthritis.
I was released in May 2024. But even after that there was still pressure: I had to report regularly to the police, officers came to my house with checks, called me for professional meetings. Despite this, I did not leave immediately: I needed time to understand how it was happening and where to turn.
In January 2025 I left for Poland. I feel great support of Belarusians here, I am not left alone with my problems. I want to start to work, to live and finally to enjoy every day.
So far, my health condition hinders this. I have been examined, doctors have prescribed a lot of procedures, so as not to bring me to the surgery for joint replacement. I hope that will happen. But the treatment does not allow me to work and rent a place to live. When I first arrived, I was provided with a shelter, but the period of living in it will soon end. I plan to find some work, but it takes time.
Now I hate this one as sincerely and deeply as I used to serve it. I really hope that I can get help for the situation I find myself in.
How much is needed?
€1800 — rent for three months
€500 — household expenses for three months
€500 — medication, physiotherapy, other procedures