Assistance to the family of a former political prisoner who are raising a child with a disability

  • Story

Dear friends!
Today we are going to tell you about a former political prisoner who recently got out of the colony and turned to us for help. Since the man lives in Belarus, for security reasons, we will change some details of his story.

The year 2020 was full of hope for Sergei's family that changes for the better would come to the country. Sergei participated in peaceful protests, but in the fall of 2020, his employer did not want to renew Sergei's contract and told him to “go to the square and continue to stand under the Bchb flag.” After that, the man's family found itself in a difficult financial situation, because Sergei lost a permanent source of income.

But after 6 months the situation changed for the better: the man found a new job.

Everything was relatively good until the spring of 2023, when Sergei was detained and sent to a temporary detention center until the trial. Then there was a court, which found the man guilty under Article 368 (Article 368 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus — insulting the President of the Republic of Belarus) for a few likes on social networks, and sentenced him to a year in a penal colony.

A year later the man was released, but he didn't become freer.

Because of the conviction under the political article, Siarhei cannot find a job in his city. According to the man, all employers, when they see the mark on the criminal record and learn the article, immediately refuse to hire him, because government agencies have instructions not to hire “political” people, and private employers are afraid to get involved because of possible checks.

In addition, Sergei is under constant control by police officers: he has to check in at his department every Sunday. They also often come to his home to check on him.

Sergei's wife works a simple job and receives a minimum wage, which is not enough for them. The situation is complicated by the fact that the couple has a daughter with a disability who needs constant care.

The family is on the verge of financial desperation and they are asking for your help. They need funds to get by while Sergei looks for a job and to close the debts that have accumulated during the time Sergei was in the colony.

How much is needed?


€500 — credit for the phone that was confiscated from him; for credit card maintenance, for detention in the TDF, for debts on transfers while Sergei was in prison.
€1000 — assistance to Sergei's family while the man is looking for a job

€ 1 595 in 1 500