Helping a family of civil activists settle in a new country

  • Story

Good afternoon.
My name is Oleg Korban. 

In my youth I was a member of the “Young Front”, later — deputy chairman of the Minsk branch of the UCP, chairman of the Minsk branch of the “Young Democrats”. During the 2010 presidential election I headed the Minsk election headquarters of presidential candidate Yaroslav Romanchuk. In recent years I headed the public initiative “Alternative”. 

During these years I was persecuted many times by the Belarusian authorities. Because of my active civil position, I was twice fired from my job, expelled from the university, and 12 times from 2006 to 2020 I was sent to administrative arrests. Including for participating in a protest action after the 2010 elections.

In 2020, my wife and I were on marches with other people striving for a free democratic Belarus. For participating in the protests in October 2020, I was arrested and sent to SIZO No. 1 for 6 months, where I was regularly interrogated and threatened. My wife Olga was also summoned for questioning. They threatened to arrest her under Article 342 (Article 342 of the Criminal Code. Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order or active participation in them), as well as recognize our family as socially dangerous and take our daughter to an orphanage. At that time she was a little more than two years old and the horror at the thought that they would carry out their threats forced us to make a decision to leave Belarus. In one moment we packed our things and left through visa-free countries to Europe. 

For a year and a half we have been living in a refugee camp in Belgium. The living conditions in the refugee accommodation center are quite difficult: one small room (3x5m) per family, without a kitchen, it is even forbidden to use a kettle. Showers and toilets are located on the first floor. Meals are provided in the common dining room 3 times a day, but they are not suitable for children. A year ago we had a second daughter born here already in emigration. Now she is a stateless person, she does not have a Belarusian passport and it is not possible to get one, for known reasons. And the conditions of our living there with an infant child have become even more complicated.

While the process of consideration of the application for international protection is underway, no monetary allowance is paid here. I have found a small part-time job, but it is only enough for basic needs, besides, about 30% of my salary has been deducted for living in the reception center. We will not be able to solve the difficulties we are facing without additional funds without your help.

In order to solve the housing issue, we need to pay for the services of a lawyer.  We need counseling in obtaining social housing and assistance in managing our asylum request. The free lawyer provided by the state is very poorly motivated and hardly helps us at all. We also have to pay for notary services and translation of documents for re-registration of the family in Belarus in order to move out of the apartment.

My eldest daughter needs to improve her health. We do not have enough money to pay for urgent dental treatment and work with a speech therapist. Besides, we still have 2 dogs at home in Minsk. Our friends take care of them, and we are eternally grateful to these people. But we have to provide food for our dogs ourselves. And there is no extra money for that either.

For socialization and solving many issues, my wife and I lack the Dutch language, and we cannot afford to pay for courses.

I fought for a free and democratic Belarus to the last. And now I am fighting for the survival of my family.
From the bottom of my heart I ask you to help us!

How much is needed?


€2000 — treatment of the child at the dentist (including a picture, urgent appointment and further treatment).
€800 — things for the children, a baby carriage for the youngest child and a bicycle stroller to take my daughter with me
€800 — initial Dutch language courses
€500 — legal and notary fees (several consultations)
€200 — speech therapy for my eldest daughter 
€200 — purchase of dog food

€ 358 in 4 500