Marina, participant of the March of Pensioners in Minsk: need help to restore health and adaptation

  • Story

My name is Marina. I am a pensioner from Minsk.

In November 2020, I went to the March of Pensioners in Minsk, full of hope for change. Changes happened, but not as I expected: I was detained. I spent two days in Akrestsin, and then another 13 days in Baranavichy prison. It was hard for me to believe that a person of my age could end up behind bars for taking part in a peaceful protest. But it happened.

Three years have passed since then, and things have gotten even worse. In November 2023, I was summoned to the KGB again — this time for donations to help victims of repression that I was sending in 2020. The man in epaulettes also showed me photos from protests where I was and sent me to 24 hours again. This time it was 14 days on Okrestina. And after I was released, a criminal case was opened against me. I was threatened with up to 5 years of imprisonment. I realized that it was dangerous to stay in Belarus and had to leave for Lithuania.

Here, in Vilnius, I faced new difficulties. The thing is that I have health problems: inflammation of the ankle joint, Achilles tendon sprain, heel spurs and arthrosis of the 3rd degree of the hip joint. Then there's grade 2 hypertension and coronary heart disease. With such a bouquet, plus my age, it is difficult to find a job in Lithuania. But I don't lose hope and every day I try to do something: I take Lithuanian courses, work on my health, and look for ways to adapt to my new life.

The first months in a foreign country were particularly difficult. I often felt lost and lonely, but over time it got easier. Now I already feel that I am getting stronger, although I am still far from being fully adapted. And I need your help.

The next few months are crucial in my life. I need to heal my leg, learn Lithuanian, find a job and become independent again. And while I am solving all these tasks, in the background, I need to pay the rent.

I'm asking for your support, because I can't do it alone. Without you, I have no other options. Help restore my health, and then I will be able to stand on my own feet not only physically, but also mentally.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I believe in a better future and promise not to give up.
Marina Suslina, pensioner.

How much is needed?


€2000 — accommodation for 4 months while I solve my problems,
€1000 — the cost of all medical expenses for treatment: tests, consultations, medicines,
€500 for Lithuanian courses,
€500 — annual insurance to cover medical expenses after I get my residence permit,
€500 — unforeseen expenses.

€ 50 in 4 500