Helping a former political prisoner adapt to her new life in Poland

  • Story

Good afternoon!
My name is Maria, I am a former political prisoner. Over the last few years my life has been turned upside down. And I am asking for your help to get back on my feet in a foreign country.

In 2020 I worked at a state enterprise and shortly before the elections we were forced to sign in favor of the nomination of the president who was in office at that time. This was completely unacceptable to me, and I categorically refused. And having seen the violence that the authorities organized after August 9, 2020, I also refused the forced subscription to state newspapers at work.

After the election results were announced, I was depressed for a long time. Feelings of indignation and resentment were looking for an outlet: I drew protest posters, wrote comments on the Internet. I paid the price — I was detained for my comments.

At first, my acquaintances warned me to keep my behavior down, because the “competent” authorities might be interested in me. Then I was repeatedly summoned to the police for interviews. Once I was kept for 3 days on a 24-hour hold on suspicion of inciting social discord.

In the fall of 2022, I was summoned for interrogation by the KGB, after which I was arrested. A month later I was sentenced under Article 130 (Article 130 of the Criminal Code — incitement of hatred or discord) for 2 years in a general regime colony.

While I was in prison, my family and friends supported me as much as they could. My like-minded women in prison were a great comfort and support. The only thought that visited me at that time and eventually saved me: the main thing is to survive. While I was serving time in the colony, I additionally received the status of “extremist” and “terrorist”.

When I was released from prison, my ordeal did not end there. Because I was included in the list of persons involved in terrorist activities, my bank account was blocked. I could not open a new one either, as I was banned from any banking transactions. I was also unable to obtain unemployment status in order to receive any benefits. My attempts to get a job led nowhere, as my status as a “terrorist” scared away any employer. I simply had nothing to live on! In addition, after my release from the colony, I was on the preventive register. This meant that I had to constantly check in with the police. At the same time, the policemen themselves came to my house with surprise checks, and they especially liked to do it at night.

I had no choice but to follow the example of hundreds of others like me and leave the country. I got to Poland thanks to the support of my friends who had already left and people who cared about me. It was very difficult to make this decision, despite the unbearable living conditions in Belarus. Leaving everything and everyone, going to a foreign country without money and language skills — it was very scary, but the only right step. I am gradually coming to my senses, I want to learn to trust the world around me and people again. 

Once I am safe, I am ready to look for a job, learn the language and adapt to a new life. But my financial situation makes me desperate. I realize that I am not the first, and I will not be the last to ask for rent and food. But I hope that the amount, which is incredibly large for me now, will be able to be raised by small donations. I have no other choice but to ask for help from people who care! 

How much is needed?


€1500 for rent for three months
€500 for food for three months
€500 for basic necessities

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 2 500
The collection is over. Сollected: € 2 500