Assistance in treatment and rehabilitation of a political refugee from Belarus

  • Story

My name is Vanya, I am 18 years old. But already at the age of 15 I was quite independent: I lived separately from my parents, studied at a lyceum. Three years ago, when I was 15, they wanted to put me in prison for being against Lukashenka's regime. Now I am a political refugee from Belarus. I miraculously managed to avoid prison and went to Poland. There I met a wonderful family, who took care of me and became my support in a foreign country.

These people were political refugees themselves, so they understood me and became my support in a foreign country. They tried to make sure that I and their own child would never know the hardships of refugee life in emigration. The man who took custody of me is called Ivan. His family became my family, which I had not had for a long time. 

Ivan replaced my father! I had never met such an amazing person before. There were so many hopeless, in my opinion, situations from which he always found a way out. He worked hard. I saw how hard it was for him. But he didn't show it and was the first to come to the aid of those who had it harder than himself. 

Maybe Ivan took on too much. My best friend and the man who replaced my father was in trouble. He had a severe psychiatric illness. I can't, for reasons of confidentiality, give details of the diagnosis. But because of this illness, he cannot work and cannot be with us.
(BYSOL has all supporting medical documentation)

Doctors say that Ivan needs psychotherapeutic treatment and long therapy and rehabilitation to recover. He spent a whole month in the hospital, but they were able to provide him with only basic care. The language barrier is to blame. Therefore, free Polish psychotherapy is not suitable for him. Apart from the medication he was prescribed, the main treatment is psychological help. And it must be provided in the patient's native language. 

The money I want to raise will be used for Ivan's treatment, rehabilitation and support. The amount is for six months. It is not a full course of rehabilitation in his condition, but I will manage further on my own. Ivan taught me never to give up. So I'm not giving up. While Ivan is sick, he can't work. I got a part-time job, but my earnings are not enough to pay for all household expenses, treatment and rehabilitation. I believe that there is a way out and that is why I ask for your help.

I will be grateful for every euro, because this money will help to save my friend, a person to whom I owe a lot. 

How much is needed?


€1200 — therapy fees for 6 months 
€350 — psychotherapist fees (initial appointment and 4 more for 6 months)
€400 — medication for 6 months
€100 — transportation and living expenses   

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 2 224
The collection is over. Сollected: € 2 224