Helping Dmitriy leave political persecution in Poland

  • Story

In 2020, I marched every Sunday in my regional city, protesting against the actions of the authorities. More than a year passed and in December 2021 I was suddenly arrested — dragged right out of my house by a seizure group.

I met the New Year in the pre-trial detention center, and after a few months of investigation, the court sentenced me under Article 342* — three years of “chemistry ”**. All these three years I was forced to work at a low-paid job. From my small earnings they deducted 75% in favor of the state. I received about 120-160 rubles per month, of which I still had to pay for living expenses. On weekends I had to check in every hour on the phone. We could only go to the store or clinic with police officers, and even such a request could be refused without a reason.

While serving my sentence, two of my teeth deteriorated, but it was not possible to treat them during that time: I had neither money for treatment nor permission to visit a dentist. Now, instead of treatment, I need prosthetics for these two teeth.

At present, after my release, I am on the preventive register**, I have to regularly check in at the police station at my place of residence, where they have “preventive conversations” with me and check the content of my phone. Any three violations, according to their decision, can turn into a colony for me.

Despite all the circumstances, I do not lose hope of finding freedom. I decided to ask for help in order to be able to leave to Poland from political persecution and go to a prosthetist without fear of being imprisoned.

I am very afraid to stay in Belarus, but I am also afraid to go to a foreign country without money. I am not afraid of work, but it will take me some time to settle down and find a job and a place to live.

Please help me to get out!

*Article 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them. Punishable by a fine, or arrest, or restriction of liberty for up to three years, or imprisonment for the same term.

**“Chemistry” is a type of punishment where a convict is sent to an open-type correctional institution (OTC). People live in housing units similar to dormitories. They are under constant supervision and are obliged to follow the rules of internal order, while paying for their accommodation, buying food at their own expense, cooking, washing and cleaning themselves. All convicts are obliged to work, and are often assigned to low-skilled and low-paid labor.

***Profuchet (preventive registration) — according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, it is an observation of a citizen's behavior in order to prevent him from preparing or committing offenses. In fact, it includes unannounced checks at the place of residence, including at night, regular checks at the police station, checking the contents of the phone

How much is needed?


€1600 — rent for 2 months (for the period of job search)
€800 — price of prosthetics (one tooth — from €400).

€ 723 in 2 000