Helping samizdat editor Anton and his pet after emigration

  • Story

Hello, my name is Anton. In 2020, I took on the role of editor-in-chief of an opposition “paper” newspaper that activists distributed to mailboxes. We worked underground, on enthusiasm, without pay or grants, as a small editorial staff. In the newspaper we spoke out strongly against Lukashenka's regime and the Russian occupation of our country.

In two years we published almost 40 issues, the last one was published after the war in Ukraine had started. In addition to the newspaper, I maintained an author's Telegram channel, in which I denounced the regime as frankly as possible.

In 2022, after our author was detained, I urgently left the country. Together with my dog, whom I love madly, we traveled by train through Russia to Georgia. It was difficult in Georgia, especially for the dog, because of the incessant fireworks, the packs of stray dogs, and the climate. I worked to save up to move to Poland and finally got a humanitarian visa in the spring of this year.

What followed was a move that played an important role in my story. The thing is, I couldn't go by airplane: a dog is only allowed to fly in the trunk. So we traveled by buses, trains and hitchhikes — and this “adventure” was the most difficult thing I had experienced up to that point. Force majeure happened at every step — and in the end, while we got to Poland, I spent most of the money I had saved.

When we arrived, the leftovers were no longer enough to rent a place to live, and my dog and I had to wander around in hostels. I am in a situation where I have nowhere to go and nothing to live for, with a frightened dog with me. Soon we could be on the streets. Some people advise to give the dog to volunteers, or to go to live in a refugee camp where the dog is not allowed — but this is impossible for me! 

I have never asked anyone for help, but now I really need it! I really ask you to help us.

How much is needed?


€1300 — rent for two months
€300 — dog food and vet's fees
€400 — warm clothes for winter
€600 — food and household expenses
€500 — doctor's visit and medication

€ 3 155 in 3 000