Helping a former political prisoner in Belarus to solve financial difficulties

  • Story

Hello, dear Belarusians!
I am a former political prisoner living with my family in Belarus. Not long ago I was planning to leave for Europe because of the lack of money and the danger of being detained again. But due to personal circumstances I can't leave Belarus yet.

In 2022, I was sentenced to two years in prison for a comment. While I was serving my prison sentence, so many material issues accumulated that even now, 10 months after my release, working at two unofficial jobs, I can't cope and have to ask for help.

When I was released from the colony, I got a job as a cab driver on a rented car. All that I could earn was spent on my family, and I was morally pressured by money debts and court-ordered fines. So I took an additional job at a construction site.

But suddenly, a few months ago, a law came out, according to which only those who are in the state register can work as cab drivers. As a former political prisoner, they refused to include me in the register. I tried to work unofficially, but, as you know, trouble does not walk alone.

Three weeks ago, due to a heavy downpour, the place where my work car was parked was flooded with water and the engine was flooded. The cab owner attributed the fault to me, demanding to pay for the repair of the car. Not only am I now unable to work as a cab driver, but I still owe money.

I still have a part-time job at a construction site to make ends meet, but our family's financial situation is not improving. With a political article, there are no jobs to choose from, and I dread to think if this one will be gone too.

To top it all off, our oldest child has vision problems. We borrowed money for the surgery, but every month we still have to buy new lenses and medication.

In addition, for the last six months I have been hounded by bailiffs for unpaid court fines and costs, which I strongly disagree with and am still trying to appeal.

I am desperate and am asking for help to get out of this financial hole. A huge weight would fall off my shoulders if I settled my debts and started living instead of surviving.

I will be grateful to everyone for any possible help!

How much is needed?


€700 — borrowed from my cousin for the family life while I was in the colony.
€700 — car repair
€500 — treatment of my daughter (borrowed from a relative, as the operation was urgent).


€ 0 in 2 000