An ex-political prisoner lost his job due to poor health and went into debt — while looking for a new place, he needs help

  • Story

I am a former political prisoner, I served more than two years.

My “protest” history, like many others, began in 2020. Before that, I managed my own logistics company and had little interest in politics. I was outraged by Lukashenko's attitude towards people, especially against the background of the pandemic, but I didn't delve into it.

When the election campaign started, protest moods were in the air, and I decided to do my best to bring down the regime.  And after repressions against independent candidates began, I couldn't put up with this arbitrariness. I became an observer in order to see with my own eyes how this system works, and also to try to prevent or at least fix falsifications. After the election, I went to all the rallies in my city and was active in social networks.

I didn't expect to be detained, because I hadn't done anything illegal. But when they did come, they beat me very badly. After the detention my health went down, several times in the pre-trial detention center I suddenly lost consciousness. When I arrived at the colony, I also suddenly lost consciousness right on the way. I don't know what the cause was. It had never happened to me before. 
Then I was sentenced for more than two years. I didn't feel good about the sentence, but somehow I got through it. Hope and plans helped. Besides, I realized that I got off easy against the background of growing repressions and long sentences.

For several months I was placed in SCT. It was not physically difficult for me, but psychologically very difficult. Difficult conditions, constant provocations and pressure. I was always wary, waiting for a trick or a new criminal case.

I was lucky — as soon as my sentence was over, I was released. As soon as I got out, I started planning my departure. I fulfilled all the formalities of supervision, imitated a job search, and at the same time made a visa. And when I was warned that there would soon be problems with departure, I left for Poland immediately. A few days later I was already in the travel ban database.

In Poland I got a job as a driver, everything seemed to be in order. In the euphoria I did not notice any problems. But a few months ago it turned out that in Belarus I was charged with a new criminal case. I was very worried, I started having insomnia.  As a consequence — absent-mindedness, loss of concentration, I started to get tired very quickly while driving and several times almost fell asleep. My visual acuity decreased, I can hardly see at dusk. Because of this, several times got into accidents. No consequences, but once I miraculously did not hit a man who I just did not see. I quit the same day, even with the loss of my security deposit.

I have no idea where I can go now. I'm talking to acquaintances, evaluating offers and my opportunities. But there is no success, and my financial situation is deplorable: I am already in debt. I need to pay for my apartment, so I want to ask for help. In general, I try to hold on and hope that I can cope with everything.

How much is needed?


€1200 — rent for two months
€300 — meals

€ 107 in 1 500