Helping a journalist in exile to improve her health condition

  • Story


As a journalist, I worked in several Belarusian independent media. In 2020, I was detained twice in the streets of Minsk while performing my professional duties. Although I had a press status, it did not save me from detention. I was accused of participating in an unauthorized rally and sentenced to administrative arrest. In 2021 I was threatened with criminal prosecution and had to urgently leave Belarus.

The decision to make the gathering anonymous was dictated by my difficult psychological state. I am putting my life back together piece by piece, and so far I am doing it rather badly. But I really want to regain my health to be able to live and work.

The hardships of emigration, not having lived since 2020, and the war in Ukraine have taken a heavy toll on my health. As a result, I lost my job, experienced severe and prolonged depression, developed anemia and a number of other health problems on the background of unemployment and hunger.

For health reasons I can't work now, because I can't just go to my laptop (previously this happened only after heavy interviews about murders). No concentration: reading any text requires a lot of effort (as if I can see the letters, but I don't understand the meaning and have to make a lot of effort). After watching short videos I feel very tired, as if I had worked all day without a break. Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed at all to even brush my teeth.

I am desperate and am turning to you for help because I am not coping with these trials myself.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support!

How much is needed?


€1500 — rent of an apartment for 3 months
€1000 — psychotherapy course (10 consultations)
€250 — medication for 2 months

€ 22 in 2 750