I have recently been released from a correctional institution (penitentiary), where I served a sentence of two years. I was recognized by human rights activists as a political prisoner and by the prison administration as a “terrorist”. Therefore, even after being released, I continue to be under surveillance and psychological pressure. I am forced to conceal my name and some details, as I am on the vocational register** under constant checks.
In addition to serving my sentence, I have been given a huge fine, which I cannot pay. On top of that, I have not been able to find a job yet, so I decided to ask for help, as my financial situation is poor.
When I was serving my sentence, I had no work at all for a month, and therefore no money. I survived as best I could. Then I was given a job. It was slave labor for pennies. I worked 12 hours a shift, with no days off. I received a maximum of 600-700 rubles a month, of which I paid for living expenses. This ridiculous salary was also delayed, and from the earnings could still deduct 100-150 rubles for the director's birthday, for example, without my consent.
When I was released, I was left without a job at all. With my political article, I still haven't found any permanent job. My “terrorist” status has not been removed, so my card is still blocked, and it is even more difficult to find a job that pays cash. I need money for literally everything: to pay for housing, food, some things.
I don't give up hope of solving my problems, but at the moment I just don't have anything to live on. Please help me to get out of this poverty.
*OOTC (open-type correctional institution) or “chemo” is a type of punishment where people live in dormitory-like housing or in employer-provided housing. Inmates are required to work, often in low-skilled and low-paid jobs, and are under constant supervision. They are obliged to comply with internal regulations, pay for accommodation, buy food at their own expense, etc.
**Profuchet (preventive registration) — according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, this is the observation of a citizen's behavior in order to prevent him from preparing or committing offenses. In fact, it includes unannounced checks at the place of residence, including at night, regular check-ups at the police station, and checking the contents of the phone.
How much is needed?
€800 — rent of an apartment for 2 months with utilities
€500 — seasonal clothing and food
€300 — to give debt to acquaintances