Former political prisoner asks for help after being evacuated to Poland

  • Story

I am a former political prisoner who served three years in a colony for my civic activism. When I was released, it did not get easier and persecution for political reasons continued. After learning that my loved one had been detained, I had to flee the country to avoid becoming the next one. I can't reveal my name so as not to hurt my loved ones. But my dire financial situation makes me turn to you for support.

In 2020, my life has been divided into “before” and “after”. The level of brutality against peaceful people who disagreed with the election results compelled me to fight for truth and justice. I participated in peaceful protests, signed appeals and petitions, talked to my neighbors and co-workers at work to let them see what was happening in our country. I thought it would help stop violence and violation of people's rights in Belarus.

Because of my activism I got my salary cut at work, they tried to fire me. But I didn't leave, didn't quit, continued my civic activity — it was my principled position. But the further I went, the more people around me were detained for participating in protests and activism. I realized that political persecution could also affect me. However, the first search turned out to be unexpected for me. While still under the impression of the consequences of the search at my home, I began to learn that some of my acquaintances and friends had been criminally prosecuted. At that time, I was searched for the second time.

Until the second search, I didn't seriously consider leaving. I asked myself the question: What did I do? Obviously, nothing illegal. I am in my home and I want to live in it freely. Why should I leave? From the height of the current situation in 2024 it looks naive, but at the time it seemed right and honest to me.

I didn't have time to leave. I was detained in the spring of 2021, and almost a year later the court sentenced me to 3 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony under Article 342 (Article 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them). I had to learn to celebrate my birthday in the pre-trial detention center, in the punishment cell, in the colony. But I do not regret anything, and I consider the accusations against me absurd.

After my release, I did not enjoy the long-awaited freedom for long. During the three years of my absence, there was no trace of civil activity and upsurge in the country. Despite the fact that I had served my sentence in full, representatives of law enforcement agencies periodically came to my relatives with surprise inspections. It became clear to me that they were looking for a new reason to imprison me, as it had already happened to other former political prisoners.

I decided to leave, but I didn't think I would have to do it so quickly. While I was preparing my documents and belongings to leave leisurely, I suddenly learned about the detention of a loved one. This threw all my plans into overdrive. It became obvious to me that I would be next.

At one point I had to pack my entire previous life into a backpack and a bag and leave the country. I left the house in the morning as if on business and never came back. With the help of the BYSOL evacuation team, I made it out to Poland and am now safe.

Once again, however, it didn't take long for me to rejoice in my freedom. Once outside of political persecution, I was faced with the question of survival. I managed something: I was able to find a job far from my previous profession, but allowing me to rent a place to live, and I applied for international protection. However, my earnings only cover my rent and a little left over for food. I have never been in such a humiliating financial situation! I can't afford literally nothing from some ordinary everyday things and simple human joys. Restoring my health after the colony is out of the question.

In my bleak situation I have only one hope for the support and solidarity of Belarusians. I will be grateful to every donat! Your help can help to shorten my way to a normal life!

How much is needed?


€800 — for clothes and household items for the apartment
€1000 — for a Polish language tutor,
€600 — for medicines (in prison I got chronic illnesses, but I can't treat them because I don't have free health insurance yet).
€600 for utilities for 4 months

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 3 075
The collection is over. Сollected: € 3 075