Assistance to a Belarusian volunteer injured in the war in Ukraine

  • Story

Good afternoon!
This is the BYSOL training camp team.

A few weeks ago, the wife of a Belarusian volunteer who fought in the Kalinowski Regiment defending Ukraine came to us for help. Due to a severe stroke and subsequent brain surgery, the man is now unable to move independently and needs long-term rehabilitation. His family is facing financial difficulties and they cannot cope without your support.

We have checked all medical documents confirming the diagnosis and the surgeries performed, as well as other data related to this story, and can confirm their authenticity.

Since the beginning of the protests in Belarus in 2020, this man has been actively fighting for freedom. He and his family also helped those who were imprisoned: delivering food, writing appeals, supporting local initiatives. Several times the man was detained for 24 hours, and his personal page on social networks was recognized as extremist. In 2021, a criminal case was brought against the man for insulting Lukashenko. After that, he and his family left the country, fleeing persecution.

In 2022, when Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, he made the difficult decision to go to the front, joining the Kalinovsky Regiment. However, in November 2023, days before he was sent on a mission near Kherson during a night guard, his life suddenly changed: a massive stroke paralyzed the right side of his body. Brain surgery — skull trepanation — was the only chance to save his life.

For several months, the man stayed in Ukraine in a hospital where he received first aid, but in April 2024, the family decided to move him to Poland for rehabilitation. To continue treatment, the family desperately needs funds for neurologist services, physiotherapy, medication, speech therapy and psychological sessions, as well as sports equipment to restore motor functions.

The family is appealing for financial support to cover all expenses and give this brave man a chance for a full recovery and a return to life.

How much is needed?


€558 — sessions with a psychologist for 2 months
€1116 — speech therapy for 2 months
€2008 — massage therapist for 2 months
€98 — medication for 2 months
€698 — special food for 2 months

The sum of monthly expenses is 2239€. We need to raise funds for 2 months of rehabilitation. These funds are essential to continue the treatment and recovery of the volunteer.

€ 130 in 4 478