Hello, my name is Galina. This year is a very difficult, hard year for me. But I realized one thing. What we have been doing, doing as much as we can, now — it is much needed. There's no stopping it all, there's no going back.
I was convicted under Article 24.23 part 1.
On June 1 we came out in support of Stepan Latypov, for his freedom.
There was a trial, they gave a big fine. We filed a complaint. At the second trial, the judge was very attentive, polite, as it seemed to me. When he decided on the complaint, time was dragging on, I prayed that the fine would be minimal, but when the judge read out the decision, he didn't look up, he read softly.
The ruling remained unchanged. My tears were pouring down from how this could be.
I am raising a child, have a disability group, fired from my job — for my freedom.
How much money is needed?
515€ — 1,160 rubles (395 euros) to pay the fine, the rest of the money to live until I find a job.