Helping former political prisoner Dmytro Kanevsky in exile

  • Story

Hello! My name is Dmitry Kanevsky. After my mom was detained, my nerves could not stand it, and in one of my tg-channels I wrote everything I think about law enforcers.

On January 16, 2021, I was detained by about 5 people at once, they took me to the Main Department of Security Police, where they wrote out an official warning and let me go home. But already 10 days later they came for me and took me to the Investigative Committee. My comment served as a reason to accuse me of “deliberate actions aimed at inciting racial, religious, social and other enmity” (Article 130, part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus) and sentenced me to 3 years in a general regime colony.

The conditions in the detention center were terrible — shabby walls, cold and dirt. I was even punished for sitting on the bed and putting my leg under me when I was trying to warm up. The conditions in the colony were comparatively better, but the attitude of the staff to “political” people was even worse than in the isolation center. The head of the regime department was especially fierce. 

Having served my sentence in full, I was released in the fall of 2023, where I was put on a preventive register. I was forced to go to public works. It turned out that there I was recorded almost two dozen violations, so for “malicious evasion of educational work on the prevention of extremism” I want to bring me to criminal responsibility again.

So I fled the country where I am currently wanted. I could not help my mother in any way, being behind bars myself. But being in Europe before the winter, I am facing huge financial difficulties to settle in a new place while looking for a job. I would be grateful for any help and support in my difficult situation.

How much is needed?

€ 2000

€1200 — rent
€300 — purchase of warm clothes and essentials
€500 — money for the first time

€ 0 in 2 000