Wola Day in Warsaw: join the big celebration!

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Wola Day in Warsaw: join the big celebration!

March 25 is a special day for Belarusians. It is a holiday of freedom and democracy! In honor of the anniversary of the proclamation of the Belarusian People's Republic, we are preparing a big international march in Warsaw, which will unite all those who love Belarus and believe in its future.

We invite you to join the celebration on Sunday, March 23! At 13:00 we will gather at the Three Crosses Square, and then, carrying a huge flag, we will head towards the Zamkova Square. At the locations, we will be treated to speeches by political and public figures, as well as musical numbers that will reflect the richness of our culture.

You can also support the organization of the celebration with your contribution and help create a truly unforgettable event.

Event organizers:
 — “Belarusians of Warsaw”
 — United Transition Cabinet
 — People's Crisis Management
 — Belarusian Association of Political Prisoners “Yes Will”
 — Museum of Free Belarus
 — Solidarity Movement Together
 — Information partners: Belarusian media — Belarusian Radio Racia, Euroradio, Belsat, Belarusian Youth Hub.

Join the celebration! Together we will make this day special!

How much is needed?


€5200 — stage installation/dismantling,
€2620 — musicians' fees,
€265 — printing of banners and flyers, organizational aspects.

€ 219 in 8 100