Collection for the family of activist Dmitry Boreychuk, who was left in a foreign country without a husband and father

  • Story

Good afternoon!
This is the BYSOL training camp team.

Every person who comes to our training camp becomes our own and close to us. We empathize with the troubles in which people find themselves, rejoice if their training camp is successfully closed, and follow the fate of our applicants further. But life is such a thing — sometimes things do not go according to plan.

A few months ago we were approached by Dmitriy Boreichuk. The man is an engineer-radiophysicist by education, he is 51 years old. Since 1987 he has been working in IT, and lately he has been engaged in handicrafts — making souvenirs with the image of historical objects of Belarus. The man has four children. The oldest daughter is of age, the twins are 15 and the youngest daughter is 13.

In 2020, Dmitri was in the team of Viktor Babariko. He traveled around Belarus and collected signatures. The man was among the five most effective collectors. For this he was arrested and imprisoned for 24 hours.

After that, Dzmitry's family was not left alone.
There were several searches at their home. And in November 2022, after another turning of the apartment upside down, the man was detained and taken to Okrestina for “proceedings”.

Dmitry came out of the cell as a suspect in two criminal cases and with complaints of abdominal pain. The man was hospitalized and in August 2023 at the Aleksandrov Russian Research Center of Oncology he was diagnosed with a solid cystic tumor, and an early operation to remove it was indicated.

Since at that time there were only a few days left before the visa expired, Dmitriy and his relatives decided to leave the country at a family council. The man underwent surgery to remove the tumor together with part of his intestine in Bialystok.

The prognosis was good, and a few months ago we already announced a collection for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation of the man. But the disease took its toll.

On May 8, Dzmitry Boreychuk died. And his family — his wife and four children — remained in a foreign country without a husband and father.

We empathize with Dmitry's loved ones and open this collection for the man's funeral and to support his family.

How much is needed?


€4000 — this is approximately how much it will cost to bury the man.
€6000 — to help Dmitriy's relatives (wife and 3 minor children) who were left in a foreign country without a husband and a father

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 12 869
The collection is over. Сollected: € 12 869