Helping the Budai family: children of political prisoner need support

  • Story

My husband, Andrei Vyacheslavovich Budai, was sentenced to 15 years of hardened regime and a huge fine of 500 basic units. I was left alone with three children, and our life has been hell ever since. We were searched and our house was turned upside down, we were summoned to the KGB for a “talk”, we were deprived of correspondence with my husband, we were threatened to take our children away because their father was on the terrorist list, and many other shots — each of them separately we could survive, but all together they hurt us.

Our children studied remotely at a private school. At one point, this became a major pressure point for our family. And despite the high marks of our children, despite the fact that I am a teacher, and despite the fact that I have all the documents, our family was recognized as being in a socially dangerous situation. We tried to challenge this decision, but every time it sounded that our father was on the list of terrorists and extremists, and we were denied. And then we received calls that they were preparing to remove the children from the family.

We did not wait for the end of this story and left Belarus for Lithuania. From that moment our life was again divided into BEFORE and AFTER. In the new place we had to solve the issues of children's schooling, health and legalization. And start our life from scratch. This took a huge toll on my health, and I am currently undergoing a complicated neurological evaluation.

I'm undergoing a complicated neurological evaluation.

We need your help to get through this.
While we are getting settled and solving the most basic issues, please help us to rent a place to live for a few months. Also, I need to have a checkup, because free medical care in Lithuania is not available to me yet. I hope that everything will be fine and that soon I will be able to find a job here. And then we will continue to wait and support our dad again.

With love and respect,
Budai Galina.

How much is needed?


€3000 — accommodation for me and my children in Vilnius for 3 months + deposit
€500 — medical examination, tests, medicines

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 3 899
The collection is over. Сollected: € 3 899