Andrei Vasora: funeral fundraiser

  • Story

Andrei Vasora is a man who was known and respected both in Belarus and Poland. He came from Lida, but in 2021 he was forced to leave his homeland. After OMON officers broke into his house, Andrei went to Poland and started his life with a clean slate.

In Bialystok he opened a hostel “SAVA”, where he helped many people in difficult situations. Andrei supported veterans returning from the war in Ukraine and helped emigrants, among them journalist Vadim Dovnar.

In December 2024, Andrei had an accident that left him seriously injured and in a coma. For 25 days doctors fought for his life, but, unfortunately, on January 20, 2025 Andrei died.

Now his family needs help. Funds are being raised to pay for hospital treatment and funeral arrangements.

Andrei was a man with a big heart who did a lot of good for others. Now it is time to help his loved ones. Any support from you is essential and will be received by the family with deep gratitude.

How much is needed?


€4000 — funeral arrangements.
This amount will go towards all costs associated with saying goodbye to Andrei. It includes renting a hall for the farewell ceremony, preparing the body for the funeral, cremation. This is the minimum necessary to hold a decent farewell.

€3000 — payment for medical treatment.
This amount is approximate, as the family will receive the final bill from the hospital later. It includes expenses for the time that Andrei spent in intensive care.

€ 5 360 in 7 000