Assistance to a recently released political prisoner who spent three years in prison in the “Seltzer case”

  • Story

My name is Artem Zadrutsky. 

I was imprisoned for a comment that consisted of just one word — “punisher”. I wrote it after I watched the video of the tragedy that took place in Andrei Zeltser's apartment and could not contain my emotions. This comment cost me three years of imprisonment in a penal colony, a fine of 100 basic units and ruined health. 

On September 29, 2021, I was arrested by KGB officers and held for several months at Okrestin, then a year in Zhodzina prison. There were more than 20 people sitting in a three-bed cell at Okrestina, most of them sleeping on the floor. For two months I was deprived of packages, parcels and letters. None of my relatives knew what was wrong with me. Thank you to everyone who wrote me letters during this time. Unfortunately, most of the letters did not reach me, only from my relatives. 

I was charged under three criminal articles, one worse than the other: 369 of the Criminal Code, 130 of the Criminal Code and 342 of the Criminal Code (Article 369 of the Criminal Code — insulting a representative of authority, Article 130 of the Criminal Code — inciting social hatred, Article 342 of the Criminal Code — organizing and preparing actions that grossly violate public order). I fought for my rights as best I could. I filed complaints about the conditions of detention and appeals, prepared for the trial myself — I read legal books, criminal and criminal procedure codes. Alas, this did not lead to anything. I was given three years of imprisonment and sent to Navapolatsk colony in March 2023.

In detention I had an inflammation of the ear, I did not receive medical care for a long time and lost hearing in one ear. Before the detention I worked as a sound engineer, and this is a loss for me not only of my health, but also of my favorite profession. Besides music, I like to draw and write poetry. This helped me to endure the years of detention. I painted portraits of my cellmates and their relatives, wrote more than 150 poems. And I was also saved by the fact that every day I dreamed about how I would get out, imagining this moment.

I got out of prison, having fully served this unjust and inhuman punishment, and was evacuated to Poland. Here I am pending international protection status, trying to adapt and actively seeking employment. I am also trying to regain the hearing in my left ear that was lost in prison. 

I am asking everyone to support me for the near future. I need money for rent, food and basic necessities. I am not used to asking for help, but circumstances at the moment are stronger than my pride.

I will be grateful for any contribution you can make!

How much is needed?


€2000 — rent (for the next 4 months until I find a job)
€600 — food
€400 — basic necessities

€ 1 370 in 3 000