Helping a Belarusian activist who fled political persecution to open a business in Georgia

  • Story

Hello, my name is Artyom.

I am 35 years old, I come from the city of Novopolotsk. I started my political activity back in 2010. I took part in the activities of the Belarusian Popular Front (BPF) and the Young Front. Before the 2010 elections we actively distributed the newspaper Novy Chas and advertisements of the TV channel Belsat in our town. Even then my political persecution started. A month before the elections of 2010 I was searched: they took my computer, phone and all media. They interrogated me a lot in the ROVD and KGB, tried to find out valuable information or induce me to cooperate. But then it ended in nothing: they let me go and even gave me my things. 

But it had a strong impact on me. After those events, I decided to study, went to university, and stopped my political activity. However, before the 2015 elections, I was forcibly taken to the army under the supervision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the note “prone to escape” for preventive purposes.

I met the events of 2020 working at a state-owned enterprise. During the 2020 election campaign, I was fired from the company for refusing to participate in pro-Lukashist events. Since then I have been self-employed.

In early 2024, a large number of local activists in Navapolatsk were detained before the election of deputies. Based on my past experience, I realized that they might come to me. I consulted with a lawyer on how I could prepare myself for possible detention as much as possible, since I was not going to leave. 

On January 8, 2024, I was indeed summoned to the police station. I cleaned my social networks and phone, and went to the conversation myself, hoping for leniency. But it didn't help. I was arrested on the spot before the trial for posts in social networks for 2022, where I had 6 subscriptions to “Belsat”, “Nasha Niva” and other “extremist” media. The online court issued me 13 days of administrative arrest under Article 19.11 (Article 19.11 of the Administrative Code of Belarus — Distribution, manufacture, storage, transportation of information products containing calls to extremist activity or propagandizing such activity).

A day after my release I was summoned to the prosecutor's office and was given a warning: if within a year I would be prosecuted under the political article, a criminal case would be opened against me. I knew that the previous case did not contain all my subscriptions and reposts. They clearly had more material on me, and my new detention was a matter of time. Besides, I did not want to work and live in fear, constantly waiting to be detained.

I decided to leave immediately after being summoned to the prosecutor's office. I waited for the law enforcers every day, and in spite of my fear, I strove step by step for freedom. I changed my passport for a new one, packed my things, borrowed money from friends, took the cheapest bus ticket to Georgia and left. It was only when I passed the border that fear receded into the background and I felt relieved. These emotions that I was finally safe cannot be conveyed in words!

My friends met and sheltered me in Georgia. But I cannot take advantage of their hospitality and kindness indefinitely. I am sure that I will manage on my own as soon as I can get out of the minus. Having paid off my debts and rented a place to live, I plan to start my own business in Batumi. I am a masseur and I can work anywhere. But it is important for me to work officially, following all the rules. And it takes time to formalize everything.

I ask you to support me for this period, as I can't burden my friends and borrow money anymore. The most humiliating thing for a grown man is to live in debt, when he can work and live on his own. I will be very grateful to you for every euro!

I want to get on my feet so that I can not only not ask for help, but also help those who are going through this difficult path of forced emigration! 

How much is needed?


€1000 — to pay back my friends 
€900 — rent for three months
€600 — for legalization documents and starting work

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 2 520
The collection is over. Сollected: € 2 520