Belarusian woman sentenced to three years in prison for video of Russian helicopter — she has moved to Poland and ask for help to adjust

  • Story

My name is Anna Pyshnik. I am a political prisoner. I was sentenced to three years in a penal colony for 'supporting extremist activities'. This is how the authorities judged a video of a Russian helicopter over Mozyr that I sent to independent media.

Before my arrest, I lived in Mozyr with my daughter and worked as a bartender in a club. Immediately after the 2020 elections, I got involved in protests and attended all the rallies in my town and once in Minsk.

The start of the war was very painful for me. It was especially hard to realize that Russian troops were advancing into Ukraine, including from our city. It was terrible to see Russian soldiers in the city, so I filmed them and sent the footage to the media. Furthermore, it was the only thing I could do. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop the military convoys with my bare hands.

In March 2022 I was arrested. I was expecting a plumber, but GUBOP* came instead. I wasn't beaten, but they insulted me and threatened to kill my cats. They searched me and took me to the Investigation Committee and then to the detention center. In fact, they came because I had 'appeared' at protests. Then they found out that I had sent videos and opened an 'extremist' case against me. After a few months, I was sentenced to three years' imprisonment.

The conditions in the colony were terrible: constant psychological pressure, insults and humiliation — all the “bonuses” of being a political prisoner. I received reports that made me a “repeat offender” and was placed under surveillance after my release. In the prison, I sewed (I learned to do it quite well), which helped me to get through the time there.

My daughter was nine years old when I was arrested. It was very hard for her. Her classmates made fun of her, saying that her mother was a prisoner. She still hasn't fully recovered; the child has serious psychological trauma.

After my discharge from jail, I lived under surveillance for several months. The police kept coming to check on me — day and night. They tried to provoke me into breaking the law. The GUBOP also visited me before I was released from the colony — they promised to come back for me.

So I decided not to wait. At the beginning of February I left Belarus with the help of BYSOL. It was a difficult journey, but we finally arrived in safety.

I have not yet settled in Poland; we are living with my daughter in a shelter for former political prisoners. She has already started school, and it's a bit easier for her. As for me, I feel lost and don't know what to do next. I plan to find a job and rent an apartment, but that will take time. We need help now because I have arrived in a foreign country with only a backpack. I will be very grateful for any support!

GUBOP* – the Department of Militia, well-known for cruelty and lawlessness

How much is needed?

€2000 – rent for the first three months,
€1000 – purchase of a phone and laptop,
€600 – clothes and shoes for my daughter, school supplies,
€400 – food and household expenses for the first period.

€ 415 in 4 000