Helping Anastasia Verovskaya, an activist who broke her arm

  • Story

Hello, friends!
We're here with the BYSOL training camp team. Before we give the floor to Anastasia, a little background:

When Anastasia approached us for help, she had just moved to Lithuania and needed a small amount of money for basic needs. We encounter situations like this every day, so we were ready to open a collection. However, while we were in the process of verification, Anastasia contacted us again and asked us to cancel the request. She found a way to manage on her own.

Such an act shows the honesty of a person, and we are proud that our applicants are responsible people.

But a couple of days later, Anastasia had an accident: she was cycling through Vilnius, took a wrong turn and broke her wrist. This event disrupted her plans, and the woman came to us again. And we immediately opened the collection.

Now let's turn the floor over to Anastasia herself to tell her story in more detail:

My name is Verovskaya Anastasia. I am from Minsk.
In 2020, my family participated in many protests: we received fines, sat on days, and my husband was also one of the organizers of an independent trade union at the Minsk Motor Plant, where he worked as an electrician at the time. Later, in 2021, he was fired.

I was also persecuted — I was a suspect in a criminal case (Article 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus — organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order) for administering a district chat room (Minsk, “Sharyki” district).

We realized that emigration was inevitable, but we postponed this difficult decision because it is difficult to leave the homeland. However, in the spring of 2024, the law enforcement agencies began to take an interest in my husband's activities. They came to our place of residence, questioned our relatives and my husband's former colleagues at the factory. We were very frightened when we learned about these visits, but we had few options — either to go to prison or to leave. We chose the latter. We quit our jobs, took our backpacks, emptied the family piggy bank and left.

Now we live in Lithuania. My husband found a job, and I was planning to do some part-time work: cleaning, simple work in the kitchen or something like that. But recently I fell off my bike and broke my wrist. This has hit our plans hard, because even though I have insurance, I won't be able to work for a long time — I need long term treatment and rehabilitation.

I am asking for your help. We wanted to make it on our own, but circumstances have been stronger. We don't have the resources to get through this crisis, but we hope for your support and believe things will get better.

Thank you very much!

How much is needed?


€1000 — vitamins, medicines and all the necessary things for treatment
€2000 — we need this money to cover all the holes in the family budget until I am able to work (about 3 months).

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 3 050
The collection is over. Сollected: € 3 050