Recovery from imprisonment: fundraising for the treatment of a former political prisoner

  • Story

My name is Alexander Bobko. I am a former political prisoner in the “bale case” in Dzerzhinsky district.

On the night of September 1, 2021, we drew red stripes on white hay bales in a field near Dzerzhinsky. As it later turned out, an ambush was already waiting for us there. When we were detained, we were beaten right in the field. I received several blows on my knees. I heard a crack, felt a sharp pain, and my left knee began to swell. My right knee also became sore due to the impact or overexertion.

After that, we were brought to the Dzerzhinsky IVS, where all men and women were forced to remove their clothes and shoes, leaving only in their underwear. I was put in a “press-hut” where other prisoners continued the beatings.

For six days they refused to give me even my pants. I could only sit in my underwear on the cold concrete floor. There was no heating in the cell, and the window was not closed, despite the fall weather. At night, I was allowed to sleep only on the second tier of the iron bed, without bedding or a mattress. I was lifted up every 10-15 minutes. I had to get down from the bed, go to the door and identify myself. In the afternoon at the checkup, they would take us out into the hallway, put us in a stretching position and kick our legs to make us put our legs wider. Under these conditions, my left knee swelled up and became twice as thick as normal. Over time, the swelling went down a bit, but the knee injury still makes itself felt. The right knee was also injured, but it suffered a little less.

I was sentenced to a year in a general regime colony. In Zhodzina I met other prisoners, among whom there was even a Chinese man whom we called Vasya. He drew very beautifully: flowers, knights, mares, and had calligraphic handwriting. Thanks to my neighbor, I also began to draw. Mostly flowers — I sent them to my relatives.

But the conditions were hard. Once I had a bad toothache, and they didn't give me any medical help. I had to pull it out myself with my fingers, enduring unbearable pain. There were many such moments, but the support of fellow inmates helped me to survive.

After my release, I had an MRI scan and underwent a medical examination. According to the doctors' conclusion, it is necessary to sew the ligaments in both knees and operate on one meniscus. After that, I will have to have both knee joints replaced as the injuries were serious and without treatment I could be left disabled.

The two upcoming surgeries will be done within a year. Recovery from each surgery will take 3-4 months, during which time I will be on crutches. And since I am a construction worker, I will not be able to work and earn a living during this time. Besides, the insurance will not be able to cover the whole amount for the surgery and recovery, I will have to pay a part of it myself.

Therefore, I am asking for your help. Any donation from you will be an invaluable contribution to my recovery and return to normal life. I fully understand that everyone has their own worries and problems, but even the smallest amount can help me through this difficult period.

With respect and gratitude,
former political prisoner Alexander Bobko.

How much is needed?


€1560 — right knee
€870 — left knee.

I also need funds for the period while my knees are recovering and I will be immobile. During this time I will need to rent a place to live, pay household expenses and utility bills.
€4000 for 4-6 months of recovery.

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 6 628
The collection is over. Сollected: € 6 628