Support and development of the Protests in the World project channels

  • Story

For more than five years, the editorial staff of Protests in the World has been monitoring a multitude of Russian and English-language sources in search of the most current information from around the world. As soon as there is some unrest, cataclysm or anything extraordinary, worthy of attention, you can be sure that information about it will appear on our Telegram-channel. For two years now we have been working absolutely without weekends, dedicating most of our free time to the channel.

We recently decided to raise the professional bar and take it to the next level. We want to start making our own short videos and develop not only on Telegram, but also on other platforms, primarily Tiktok.

That's why we're asking all of our subscribers for help. If you like what we do and want to see more content on the channel — you can support us financially.
We will be grateful for even the most symbolic donation!

With “protest” greetings,
Editorial staff.

How much is needed?

3800 € — The requested amount is necessary to cover some of the costs of buying equipment for filming, licenses for paid services, as well as token fees for the staff.

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 826
The collection is over. Сollected: € 826