Assistance to a former political prisoner in obtaining international protection in the Czech Republic

  • Story

I moved to Belarus many years ago when I got married, and until 2020 my life was going my way. Election fraud and violence against peaceful people completely changed my life. My wife and children are still in Belarus and I am struggling to get international protection in the Czech Republic and I ask you to help me with this.

During the protests I participated in marches in the streets of our city and in the activities of the courtyard chat room, commented on the ongoing lawlessness in Telegram channels, donated as much as I could to various organizations supporting Belarusians. For this activity, I was arrested in 2021.

As a citizen of Ukraine, at first they wanted to deport me to my home country. However, thanks to the activity of one of the employees of the Department of Citizenship and Migration, my deportation was suspended. A trial began, where I was sentenced to 3.5 years in a penal colony.

When I was released, I was still deported. They gave me 10 days to leave the territory of Belarus. It was worse for me than the colony. Even in the barracks I knew that my wife and children were somewhere over there on the other side of the barbed wire, I imagined what they were doing and how they lived. I was warmed by the fact that sooner or later my term would end and we would meet. Deportation meant that now I did not know when I would see them again and hug them.

After saying goodbye to my family, I traveled through Poland to the Czech Republic to visit acquaintances. I planned to legalize, get a job and reunite with my family. But it was not to be.

The situation with the decision on my international protection has been dragging on for a year. Because, according to the Czech authorities, I was in a safe country at the time of the Russian invasion, I am not covered by the legalization opportunities that other Ukrainians in the European Union have after the start of the war.

I have been trying for many months to prove that it is not safe for me to return to the RB, but nothing works. Fearing denial of international protection, I turned to lawyers and an interpreter for help. But the cost of their services is too high for me. Everything I manage to earn is enough only for my basic needs and I can't raise the necessary amount myself.

Having received international protection and legal status, I will be able to work officially and after so many years of separation and wandering, finally take my wife and children out of Belarus and hug them!

I will be heartily grateful to you for any possible support!

How much is needed?


€1300 — this is the amount I was told by the lawyers for all procedures
€200 — translation of my documents into Czech

€ 970 in 1 500