Financial aid for relocation to a mother with three children

  • Story

Having gone all the way to actively participating in the 2020 campaign and collecting signatures, creating meetings, and events in support of Svetlana Tihanovskaya, and having a clear civic position, I joined the ranks of our country's outcasts.
On August 9 I was taken to the TDF under the comment of a man in a mask: “Take her away quickly — she is the main oppositionist of the city. I was subjected to a total of 50 base fines, detention in a TDF, a warning that my actions in the future would be regarded as an act of terrorism. 
Based on the above, I am forced to leave my country, which I love very much with my three children. I am not a weak person, but moving to another country is a very difficult step and, of course, my children and I need help.

I did not want to move until recently, but after watching the horror and lawlessness in my beloved Belarus, I can not stay and I am forced to leave to protect myself and my family from this lawlessness.

How much is needed?

5,500 Euro — for documents, tests, insurance, flight, food and lodging in another country.

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 504
The collection is over. Сollected: € 504