Helping a former political prisoner to distribute debts

  • Story

Hello! I am a former political prisoner and for family reasons I am still in Belarus, so I cannot give my name and tell my story in detail. 

In 2020, I joined the protests in my hometown because I didn't initially believe that the elections would be fair. And the events taking place all over Belarus directly pointed to that. I attended many protests and wrote in my Telegram chats about what was happening. Since the very first wave of repressions, I began to financially help people in difficult situations. Many of them wrote such warm words in gratitude that I still sometimes reread their letters. 

In the middle of 2021, just because of messages in tg-chats, I was arrested and sentenced to 3 years of restricted freedom (they call it “chemistry ”*) — under Article 342 of the Criminal Code (Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them).

I was released in the summer of 2024, and now I am actively looking for a job (there are still difficulties with this, but I do not lose optimism. Before imprisonment I was quite a successful specialist, but “political” in Belarus now it is very difficult to find a job.

I am grateful to my friends, who did not turn their backs on me, for helping my family, but it is difficult for me to borrow so much. Besides, I need money for my daily needs: payment for utilities, money for food and warm things for me and my family.

I believe in your understanding of my situation and thank you in advance for any help!

* “Chemo” is a type of punishment when a convict is sent to an open-type correctional institution. People live in housing units similar to dormitories. They are under constant supervision and are obliged to fulfill the rules of internal order, pay for accommodation, buy food at their own expense, cook, wash and clean themselves. At the same time, all convicts are required to work, and are often assigned to low-skilled and low-paid labor.

How much is needed?

€ 3000
€ 1000 to pay off debts 
€ 300 — payment of utility bills
€ 1200 — winter clothes for me and my family
€ 500 for food and household expenses

€ 201 in 3 000