Help Dmitriy: find a job and start living again

  • Story

Hi! My name is Dmitry.

On the night of August 9-10, 2020, I was rounded up on the street and taken to the police station. They kept me there for a few hours and then sent me to jail in Zhodzina for a week.

When I was released, I found out that I had been given absenteeism at work and fired. Later I started receiving papers with fines in the mail, and my accounts were blocked. For a whole year I tried to solve this situation — to find a new job and deal with my accounts. But I couldn't get the blockage lifted, and employers were afraid to hire me because of possible checks. In the end I realized that nothing would work out and I left for Poland.

Here I worked in a warehouse for almost 3 years. Then I decided to move on and found a position as a forklift driver in Warsaw at a production facility. I quit my old job and enrolled in advanced training courses. But before I signed a contract with my new employer, I fell ill with something like the flu (but more serious) and couldn't get out of bed for a few weeks. During that time someone else was found to take my place, and I was left with nothing — no job and lost time.

The problem is that I have no savings left at all (everything I had was spent on moving and medication), and my rent is due tomorrow. In addition, I have not applied for international protection before, and now I have very little time to find a new job and thus legalize. And I ask you to help me to deal with these problems: I need funds for a month or two of my life while I look for a new job, once I have a new job, and I need to pay for my apartment.

To be honest, my situation is desperate. And my only hope is you, because I have no close people in Poland.

Thank you for your attention and help.
Sincerely, Dmytro Aleksionok.

How much is needed?


€1000 — rent for 2 months.
€800 — living expenses for 2 months
€200 — preparation and submission of documents

I need this time to find a new job in Poland. Thank you very much!

€ 1 356 in 2 000