In 2020, my husband and I participated in protests in Gomel, after which, by court order, my husband was given 10 days in jail and I was fined for one of the episodes. Within a month my husband was fired. He worked in a managerial position at a well-known large and the only enterprise of electric power industry. Already knowing about the dismissal, he recorded a video appeal, which he posted in the media space. This video was also used by several well-known, now-banned, Telegram channels. Such use served as a trigger for the local secret services, which posted absolutely false information about our family on their VK page Gomel vs. My husband still does not work, for the well-known reason of "unreliability" (there were attempts to find a job in state and private companies).
Since the administrative fine at my work I was constantly forced to resign at my own request. I worked in the same system as my husband. But I refused and resisted the employer and the union organization in every way. They did not put pressure on me with words, but with disciplinary punishments. I repeatedly tried to defend my innocence in the commissions on labor disputes. But all was in vain. The chairman of the local trade union committee, when I asked him how he was going to defend my interests, bluntly replied that he was going to do it so that he would not leave after me. In June my employer suggested that I should resign or else I was going to be fired under article 42 part 6 of the Labor Code (only this year I received a reprimand in February, then within a week in June I received one more reprimand and a reprimand).
Since 2004 I have never had any disciplinary sanctions. All the reprimands and reprimands I received (by the way, the reprimand was drawn up by order on the last day of my work, I got acquainted with it when I received my labor booklet) were contrived, my arguments against arbitrariness were rejected. During all these months, starting from the fall of 2020, the magic words were said: you understand everything, this is the installation from above, etc.
Since all my labor disputes were not satisfied, one was even rejected — the union also agreed to my dismissal. I wrote an application for dismissal by agreement of the parties.
Now we have two unemployed and two minor children in our family. It is not possible to find a job in Russia. I will be glad for any kind of help. Thank you in advance!
How much is needed?
1000€ — utility bills; preparation of two children for school (clothes, shoes, stationery); medical supplies (child — heart disease treatment, husband — disabled group 3, requires daily medication); food (4 people).