Helping Andrei Meleshko and his daughter, deported from Georgia, to establish a life in Poland

  • Story

Good afternoon!
My name is Andrey Meleshko. I am appealing to you for help, because I found myself in a very difficult situation, which shocked our whole family and divided it in half.

In 2021, because of political persecution in Belarus, I moved with my wife and two daughters to Georgia, which became our second home. I had no problems with the law in Georgia, as a journalist I did not write about politics and did not criticize any of the local authorities. My activity was connected with the cultural life of the Belarusian diaspora. I covered solidarity actions with Belarus, arranged meetings to write letters to political prisoners, organized concerts and meetings with famous people, organized a historical club, opened a small store where I sold goods with Belarusian national symbols.

Nothing foreshadowed trouble when on September 16, 2024, I was returning home to Georgia from Warsaw with my eldest daughter Sasha. It was an ordinary return from another trip. Suddenly I was informed by the staff of the Kutaisi airport that my daughter and I were denied entry into Georgia. The reasons were not explained to me either verbally or in writing, they just advised me to contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia. This absurd situation shocked me. I did not understand what was going on, but I was not going to go anywhere, so I requested international protection for my daughter and me. I was also refused.

I still do not understand the reason for our expulsion. And even more so, I cannot explain the cruelty against my 11-year-old daughter. We were kept in the neutral zone for more than 12 hours without food, and only after my demand, food was brought. The fact that my wife was coming to the airport from Batumi, where we live, I was not notified. She wanted to take her daughter, but the child was not given to her. She was not even allowed to hug her. 

At that time, next to me, my tired and scared daughter wanted to call her mom. I consoled her, crying, but I could not help her. After my interview with the Georgian media, our phones and computer were taken away from us. Sasha was able to call her mother only on the plane on which we were forcibly sent to Poland.

Our situation was publicized. I know that I am not guilty of anything and I have to fight. But so far I have no strength left for anything. And I will not risk flying to Georgia again.

My daughter and I were forced to end up in Poland with the things we took for three days. Without shelter, money and no idea what to do next. I ask all indifferent people to help us somehow to organize our life here. In addition to renting accommodation, we need to buy some household things, food, clothes and shoes. If the situation with Georgia is not resolved in the coming months, I will need to take my wife and youngest daughter here.

I will be grateful to each of you for any possible help! 

How much is needed?


€2000 — expenses that are waiting for me in any case: it is either services of translators, lawyers and return to Georgia, or expenses for moving my wife and daughter to Poland and our legalization here.
€1800 — rent for 3 months
€700 — clothes and shoes
€500 — basic necessities


€ 1 412 in 5 000