Support for a human rights defender and activist who fled persecution in Belarus

  • Story

Good afternoon!
My name is Romanovich Alexander. I am an activist, politician and (very little) human rights defender.

Since 2003, I have participated in almost all election campaigns in different roles: I was an observer, a member of a precinct commission and a candidate for deputies at different levels. Since 2007 I have been a member of the BPF party and the movement “For Freedom”. He also supported other initiatives.

The BPF party is the oldest opposition party of Belarus, which stands for the independence of our country, democratization of power, revival of the Belarusian language and culture.
Movement “For Freedom” is an association of Belarusian democratic forces, as well as citizens of Belarus for joint defense and realization of civil, social, cultural and other rights.
BYSOL note

In 2020, I also participated in many peaceful protests against the falsification of election results. And after mass detentions and arrests started, I did not give up and started providing legal assistance to people: counseling, preparing for trials. I also attended court hearings on political trials and supported people until my last detention in 2024.

In total, from 2020 to 2024, I was brought to administrative responsibility 7 times. My home was searched and inspected for various reasons. In addition, I was deprived of my allowance to care for my brother, a disabled person of group 1.

And in March 2024, in the morning, having broken down the door of the house, the officers of the Main Department of the State Border Police and law enforcers from “Storm” burst in on me. They dragged me out of bed, tortured me, beat me, broke my hands behind my back — all because the day before another criminal case against the Human Rights Center “Viasna” had been opened, and the law enforcers were looking for a connection between me and “Viasna” in order to bring me into the case. However, they couldn't get a confession or find any links with the organization, so they set a trial date and let me go home.

A few days later I found a spyware program installed on my phone, disguised as “system settings” with wide access to all phone functions: camera, microphone, geolocation, files, etc., and deleted it. A couple hours later, the law enforcers broke in again and tortured me again. But since they had no clues to make a criminal case against me, they handed me over to the district police officer, who drew up another report on an “administrative offense,” on which I served another 15 days.
(BYSOL has documents confirming the story).

After that, having served 15 days and not waiting for the next arrest, I urgently left Belarus. Now I am in Poland and need your help. I need time and resources to recover and find a new place in a new world.

How much is needed?


I need to rent a place to live in Poland for the next 2-3 months while I settle in and look for a job — €1500
I also need to buy a lot of basic things like clothes and household items, as I left in a hurry and didn't have time to prepare for the trip — €1000.
I also need money for food and basic necessities (for the same 2-3 months) while I look for my place — €1000.

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 3 562
The collection is over. Сollected: € 3 562