Helping a former political prisoner and his family to survive financially until he is allowed to work

  • Story

Good afternoon. My name is Alexander. 
I used to live in Stolin and worked as an international driver.

Until 2019, I worked for many years in the Border Guard Service, and this was a turning point in my fate. For many years of work I was awarded the medal “For Irreproachable Service”. When the events of 2020 took place, I recorded an appeal on YouTube for my former colleagues, where I said that I refused to wear my medal as long as the same medals are worn by the punishers of the Belarusian people. As a former civil servant, I was offended by the fact that law enforcers used violence against presidential candidates and peaceful people, thus defaming the honor of the uniform. In my video I condemned the lawlessness that was taking place in the country and called on the security forces not to help the usurper seize power and not to participate in violence against peaceful citizens.

On September 29, 2021, I was detained and charged under the “Zeltser case”. Allegedly, I had posted a comment under a video clip showing the murder of Andrei Zeltser. I was forced under pressure to testify that I had watched the video clip and left comments. But it wasn't true. And they did not find any evidence in my phone that I had posted a comment.

I, on the other hand, had evidence that my phone had been idle for a long time before and after the time that appeared in the accusation. It was an ironclad alibi, but the court disregarded my evidence.

But at the trial they showed my YouTube video with an appeal against violence. It had nothing to do with Andrei Zeltser's case — the video was made in 2020. But I realized that I was being tried for it. In the video I was wearing my old border guard uniform with medals. The judge even asked me if I would wear the medal. After my negative answer, he gave me a sentence of 2 years and 6 months in prison.

I served my sentence in the Mogilev prison, which I cannot call other than a concentration camp. After my release, the persecution against me continued. In order not to end up behind bars again, I decided to leave Belarus and go abroad.

Now I am in Poland waiting for the consideration of my application for international protection. As long as I don't have an official work permit and a certificate of authorization to work in freight transportation in Europe (code 95), I can't work as a driver as before.

Fearing persecution as the family of a former political prisoner, my wife and son recently moved to me from Belarus. I am glad that we are all safe now. But due to the lack of an official job, I found myself in a difficult situation as the main breadwinner in the family.

While I was living alone in a hostel, I had enough of the small part-time jobs I sometimes found. But with a family without a job in a foreign country, I found myself in a situation where I have to ask for help. During my imprisonment we had not had the opportunity to save any money. We arrived with practically no belongings. My son went to school with nothing either. We just need to get by until we are able to work.

I am asking for your help for the first few difficult months while we get legalization, study and look for a job.
I would appreciate any contribution and support you can give!

How much is needed?


€2100 — rent for three months + deposit
€1000 — basic necessities, clothes and shoes for all in season
€700 — food, household expenses for the first time, school supplies
€600 — expenses related to retraining and passing the code 95 exam to work as an international driver in Europe (training, exam, medical examination).

€ 231 in 4 400