Making short-films about the Belarusian revolution “REVOLUTION”

  • Story

Art project “REVOLUTION” — 12 short films in support of the Belarusian Revolution. The project is created by representatives of Belarusian culture. It's a cultural manifesto against violence, censorship of creativity and concealment of the truth.

We realize the project because it is an honest and legal way of struggle against dictatorship and injustice. The authors emphasize: “We are not politicians, but artists, and we have the right to express our feelings through creativity.

The project will include thematic events, exhibitions, and film screenings at various international festivals.

The project is implemented by the repressed filmmaker Dasha Briand and producer Maria Kruk in partnership with the Belarusian Moladzev Hub.
Maria Kruk is a producer of advertising, film and art projects. She is a producer and director of the top 5 production studios in Belarus "PLAY". She has worked with European companies in creating commercials, creative concepts and is also a leading producer and tritemaker for international directors. 

Dasha Brien is a director and artist. She creates video collages and short films, and writes creative concepts and scripts. Online lecturer at the Children's Theatre Arts School and director of theatrical projects. 

Objectives of the project: to continue covering events that take place in Belarus. To inspire and unite people who keep fighting for freedom and fair elections.

Challenges the project helps to fight and goals to be achieved:

1/ Creating 12 motivational films released monthly on the 23rd at 11:34 pm.

2/ Uniting the Belarusian creative community in Poland. A unique team of repressed Belarusians in Poland and within Belarus as well as a support group from other countries is working on each project.

3/ Introducing a new format of cinema in the world art — experimental cinema, which works on emotions. Art stylistics and performance elements will be an integral part of it. The titles of the films will encrypt the dates that have been forever included in the history of the Belarusian protests. 

4/ Each film will focus on a particular problem of Belarusian society after the 2020 elections and what preceded it. We will raise topics that are traditionally silenced in Belarusian society, but have recently become commonplace. Thus, we will draw Belarusians' attention to these problems so that everyone would overcome them with his/her own efforts.

5/ Support of the world's agenda about Belarus. This will be facilitated by monthly offline premieres of new films, screenings in cinemas, participation in film festivals and press conferences, organization of art exhibitions and creation of other cultural events.

Interim Project Successes:

October 23, 2021 1 film „0908” was released,    
The second film „1406” will premiere on November 23, 2021.
EVALUATION airs on Radio Wnet

How much is needed?

5500€ -the cost of the next 5 films that we are actively preparing right now.
1000€ — cost of 1 project:

200€ — camera, optics and commutation;
200 euros — rent of lights and commutation;
150 euro — editing director (editing, color correction, mixing, mastering);
100 euros — sound engineer;
150 euros — technical expenses on shooting (purchase of props, décor for the shooting, food and water for the group);
50 Euros for cg graphics, film clips, posters, logos and other graphic design.
50 euro — digital promotion of the project;
50 euro — technical expenses for the premiere of the project (decoration of premises, technical commutation, light and technical equipment);
50 euros — contingencies for the realization of each project. 

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 0
The collection is over. Сollected: € 0