Belarusians in Ukraine are now a vulnerable category. Many of them have blocked bank accounts and cards, and there is no possibility of legal employment. The involvement of the Lukashenko regime in the war against Ukraine creates additional difficulties for the existence of Belarusians. Nevertheless, dozens of volunteer Belarusians remain in Ukraine, providing comprehensive assistance to Ukrainians in these difficult times.
They work at humanitarian aid warehouses in loading and unloading and kitting. They carry humanitarian cargo to liberated and frontline territories. They collect and send supplies for the SCA, including for Belarusian volunteers. They participate in fundraisers and settle refugees and displaced persons in their homes. They maintain and create important links between our peoples and countries. Their activities allow us to say that the Belarusians are not Lukaschists. This way the volunteers neutralize the harm which the vile role of the regime as an abettor of Russian aggressors does to the relations between our peoples. We plan to raise funds for 10 scholarships which will enable people to cover their basic needs for a month. At the end of the collection there will be a call for financial support. The funds will be distributed by a special committee. Volunteers who have not previously received assistance will be able to apply for support for 2 months.
Your participation in this collection will allow our wonderful people to continue their extremely important activities and help both Belarusians and Ukrainians in this difficult time.

- Story
The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 3 330