Our hero is a famous cultural figure whom many Belarusians know. But we must keep his name a secret, because he still lives in Belarus. Because of political persecution he lost his job and lives very, very modestly.
When a person finds himself in poverty and without permanent income, his health deteriorates. So our hero, having turned to doctors, found himself facing a difficult test: dental problems are so serious that it costs a lot of money to correct the situation. And his job depends entirely on how he looks and how he talks.
He has partially solved his dental problems with the rest of his own money and the help of friends, but there are still several complicated surgeries ahead, which will cost €3900 (BYSOL has all the supporting medical documents).
Our hero is deprived of a permanent job and has a part-time job. He lives in the countryside, living on bread and water. He has no means for even a modest existence. He needs help to improve his health, find some ground under his feet and get a chance to get out of the financial hole in which he finds himself.
How much is needed?
This is the minimum amount needed to solve medical problems.